An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity - Martin Luther King
Being inclusive is more than just provision,
Or adding a diagnosis next to my name.
It is more than just accepting that I am different,
Or that I sometimes need help with this or with that.
Inclusion is allowing me to be different,
Not trying to make me conform to your ideal,
Or trying to 'magic' my difficulties away.
I am me and this is who I am - accept it!
Inclusion is therefore working alongside me.
It is about accepting my difficulties.
Understanding when I struggle and find it hard.
Not giving up on me when I'm frustrated,
And irritable and tired and forgetful.
Inclusion is ensuring that I can succeed,
In spite of my difficulties, my needs, my quirks,
Today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life.
© Stephen Norwood 2017
